How it all started...
Pastor Paul, was the youth Pastor at Calvary Chapel Fremont, from 1997 until 2005. During that time, he felt God's call to Senior Pastoral ministry and church planting. The youth ministry was vibrant and rich. But toward the end of 2004, he sensed the time to move on. That sense was confirmed in November 2004, when a couple who attended Calvary Fremont but lived in Hayward, asked Pastor Paul when a Calvary Chapel would be planted in Hayward. By the end of January 2005, we began meeting in their home in Hayward, for prayer. We were specifically asking God to help guide us to plant Calvary Chapel Hayward. In March of 2004 our small group bonded and were energized when we went on a missions trip to Mexico. After that trip we felt ready to go. So we began looking for a place for the church to meet.

Starting out at Park School...
Our very first official church service was Sunday evening April 17, 2005 at Park Elementary School in Hayward. We were excited for what God was beginning to do. Our time at the school was short, only 6 months. But we were off and running with our church plant, relationship building and teaching God's Word in Hayward.

The Eagles Lodge...
In late September 2005, we unexpectedly discovered that the Hayward School district had a 6 month limit to renting to churches. So our next building search began. And we found our home for the next 5 years, at the Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. During those 5 years we were a portable church, as we only met at the Eagles Lodge on Sunday mornings. Our midweek bible study, prayer meetings, and other fellowships were at various homes and parks in and around Hayward. The people of Calvary Hayward served diligently and were growing in the Lord.

Expanding the vision...
In 2010 we moved into our current home at 1244 B St.
There, our fellowship has deepened and our people have grown.
Since we began we have seen God do some great things with our church. In 2015 we were granted a license for our own radio station. So KEPT FM was born, and serves the east bay with worship and bible teaching to strengthen Christians.
As the world's greatest need is for individual people to come a to right relationship with God, We intend to stay to course and keep doing what we started with: Calling people to personal faith in Jesus Christ and encouraging believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
There, our fellowship has deepened and our people have grown.
Since we began we have seen God do some great things with our church. In 2015 we were granted a license for our own radio station. So KEPT FM was born, and serves the east bay with worship and bible teaching to strengthen Christians.
As the world's greatest need is for individual people to come a to right relationship with God, We intend to stay to course and keep doing what we started with: Calling people to personal faith in Jesus Christ and encouraging believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.